posted on 2024-12-27, 13:04authored byStefjord Todolli, Ekaterina Nizovtseva, Nicolas Clauvelin, Ondrej Maxian, Vasily Studitsky, Wilma Olson
This video - found in the accompanying mp4 file - shows successive configurations of an array bearing twelve evenly spaced, rigid nucleosomes generated by Markov-Monte Carlo sampling of deformable base-pair steps along the intervening linker DNAs. The nucleosomal segments are constrained to the undertwisted pathway found in the currently best-resolved nucleosome core particle structure (PDB file 1kx5 (3)). The base-pair steps along the protein-free DNA linkers are subject to room-temperature fluctuations; see Refs. (9, 11, 12, 24) for details of model building and energy calculations.