posted on 2024-07-02, 11:55authored byXinrui Wang, Yingqiang Wei, Zhiyuan Kuang, Xing Wang, Mian Dai, Xiuyong Li, Runqing Lu, Wang Liu, Jin Chang, Chao Ma, Wei Huang, Qiming Peng, Jianpu Wang
Supplementary material for calculations of PL lifetimes and recombination rates, the AFM image of PEA2SnI4 film (Figure S1), Photographs of the film under UV light and sun light (Figure S2), PL decay profiles of the two peaks at 100 K (Figure S3), the diagram of optical setup for surface and edge emission measurements (Figure S4), surface and edge emission spectra of a PEA2SnI4 single crystal at 300 K (Figure S5), the integrated PL intensities and absorption spectra of the film at different temperatures from 100 to 300 K (Figure S6), the excitation intensity-dependent PLQEs at 300 K (Figure S7), PL decay profiles of the two peaks at different excitation intensities and different temperatures (Figure S8), Temperature-dependent PL lifetimes of the film (Figure S9), FWHMs of the two peaks at different temperatures (Figure S10), the calculation method for the Eb (Figure S11) and XRD patterns of the film at various temperatures and the enlarged view of diffraction peaks (Figure S12).