posted on 2024-06-24, 04:00authored byJi Hyeon Lee, Eun Soo Shim, Yeong Eun Kim, Jea Woong Jo
materials, material preparation, organometal perovskite memristor fabrication, thin film characterization, XRD plots, Williamson-Hall plots, I-V for electroforming process, memristic behavior with inert electrode, stability test of the OPMs, phase images of the OIHP films, AFM images for control OIHP after deposition of PMMA, XPS plots for Pb before and after Ag deposition, Table for binding energy of Pb with or without Ag reaction, schematic illustration for effect of OAX treatment on device characteristics, ln (I/T2) versus V0.5 plot and O 1s XPS data.