Supporting Information for Figure S1 shows the AFM micrographs of STO substrate and LSMO/SCO heterostructures; Figure S2 contains RHEED specular spot intensity oscillations during the growth of LSMO/SCO superlattice and XRD patterns LSMO, SCO and LSMO/SCO superlattice; Figure S3 shows the RT and MT curves of LSMO-on-SCO and SCO-on-LSMO films when LSMO is 10 u.c.. Figure S4 illustrates the RT and MT curves for LSMO 50 u.c. and LSMO 50 u.c. on SCO. Figure S5 shows the log plot of resistivity as a function of T−1/2 for the LSMO10uc on SCO film. Figure S6 contains the X-ray HRRSM around the (103)pc diffractions of the LSMO 20 u.c., trilayer-20, LSMO20 on SCO, and SCO on LSMO20 films. Figure S7 is the surface-sensitive TEY XAS scans at the Mn L2,3 edge and O K-edge of LSMO20, LSMO20 on SCO, SCO on LSMO 20, and trilayer-20 films. Figure S8 shows the RT and MT curves of the LSMO/SCO superlattice.