posted on 2024-05-31, 11:50authored byAndrey Morozov, Pavel Gostishchev, Alina Zharkova, Anton Vasilev, Alexey Aleksandrov, Lev Luchnikov, Alexey Tameev, Dmitry Kiselev, Tatiana Ilina, Arthur Ishteev, Sergey Didenko, Danila Saranin
The supplementary material includes description of the materials section(materials, inks preparation, device fabrication, laser patterning cycle, characterization), SEM images of the patterned multilayer device structures, photo-images of the PPDs, AFM and SEM images of the edge regions in PPDs, EDX elemental maps for the samples, measured IV characteristics, calculated Jphoto/Jdark ratio for various P0, comparison of the PPDs' output performance with the actual state-of-the-art results, the evolution of dark IV parameters of PPDs and transient response after storage in ambient conditions and ON/OFF cycles.